A Short Winter!!!!
Who would have thunk it, almost 70 degrees in the first week of January. Does this look like your typical New England winter scene?
(Brad Cilley and Mike Munson, riding up into Canterbury Shaker Village)
If there were a year to live in New Hampshire and train for RAAM, this is it. So far this has been one of the mildest winters on record (I’ll take it!) In the back of my mind, I keeping thinking there will be payback. Does this mean we will have three feet of snow in April? Hope not.
(Me riding up into Canterbury Shaker Village)
This is a recovery week for me, so unfortunately I have not been able to take full advantage of the great weather. I was out for short fun rides, just trying to enjoy myself. On Saturday, Mike Munson, Brad Cilley and I took a nice 40 mile spin. We went up through Canterbury, to Belmont and back over Loudon Ridge Rd. Lots of climbing – Lots of fun.
(Brad and Mike on top of Loundon Ridge)
This upcoming week it’s back to the grind. I have an 11 hour ride followed by an 8 hour ride on the next day. Temperatures are expected to fall but still stay in the 40s. They can keep the Artic air up in Canada.
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